Who voices applejack
Who voices applejack

who voices applejack

In "Sweet and Ballet", Celestia and Luna summon The Great One ( Shaquille O'Neal's giant floating head)."Guess who just got their driver's license?".Brainwashed and Crazy: Twilight was quite visibly indoctrinated for several episodes.Oh, it's still a complete Mind Screw, but it's a more coherent one than usual. It also successfully weaves together many of the disparate plot threads cooked up by each of the individual creators. In contrast to the standard entries in this "canon" - which run anywhere from 3 seconds to 11 minutes (but usually about a minute or two) and tend to be animated dada comics at best - this one clocks in at a whopping 37 minutes and features an epic battle between godlike forces. Big Damn Movie: "Day of the Flutter" by MrDeLoop, relatively speaking.Then, even later, Hasbro, the Grim Reaper, and Sid Megabus. Big Bad: The Reapers, and later The Apples.Berserk Button: Don't stand in front of Twilight for five hours and explain in excruciating detail how superior you are to her in every single respect.

who voices applejack

Apocalypse How: Applejack and a giant apple fusing together causes "The Appling", which Pinkie decides she must stop.In "A Real Sppoky Day (PART 2)" by SammiFX, a peanut is turned into a living burger, and is then devoured by Sweetie Belle.Anthropomorphic Food: The apple, while not exactly anthropomorphic, is sentient, as is its arch-enemies, the orange and pear.And if you still wish to comprehend their curious world, go to this link here. note The only exception to this so far is MrDeLoop's Day Of The Flutter, where at least two sequences (including the final push to the climax) use real voices. Also, all the voices are generated by text-to-speech programs.


It is, first and foremost, an absurd parody of the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Spin-Off of the same name.Īs far as parodies go, it's unique in that it predates the movie it's lampooning by four months, when the only information available was a few pieces of concept art, so that's what was used.


EQUESTRIA GIRLS (yes, the all-caps is intentional yes, it is mandatory) is a series started by YouTube user ZXInsanity, and expanded upon by users Blarghalt and Jake Whyman.

Who voices applejack