For Apple users there are options to turn off transcription preview and voicemail transcription. Turn off transcriptions displaying by going to Preferences and click on Show voicemail transcription to move the slider to the left. If you prefer, you can turn off the display of transcriptions and just press the play button to listen to the message. Sometimes messages do not transcribe correctly for reasons such as, the caller was on a speaker phone or there's background noise.Go to Preferences and select Receive SMS notifications to ensure you never miss a message. Sometimes notifications may not be received for various reasons such as, the mobile is on power save mode.You'll be asked to give the app permission to do things like access your contacts so they can be linked to your messages and send push notifications so you know when you’ve got a new message. Giving permission for these features means the app will be able to work as it should.In the app you can have your voicemail messages transcribed into text or listen to the audio.įind out more about the Spark Voicemail app If you have voicemail on a mobile you can also use the Spark Voicemail app. So it's a good idea to save a copy of any important messages that you may want to keep longer than a year. Once they are permanently deleted you can't access them anymore. New, saved and deleted messages are automatically deleted permanently after one year. It's a good idea to clear them regularly, including your deleted messages.
#Call your own voicemail full
Once your mailbox is full callers won't be able to leave any more messages. Each message can be up to five minutes long. Your mailbox can hold up to 237MB, which is around 1000 messages.

If you're not sure what to do next, wait for the menu to replay. When you're in the voicemail menu, voice prompts will guide you in what to do. You'll choose a PIN when you first set up your voicemail. For example, if your phone number is your mailbox number is 41234567.

Your mailbox number is your phone number with area code, but without the zero at the front. To listen to your messages you'll need your mailbox number and a PIN. Callers can listen to your greeting and leave a message in your mailbox. Voicemail answers calls to your Spark mobile or landline when you can't.